Sunday, April 13, 2008

Overlooked Emails

Over the last couple of months my frame of mind was so bad I was not capable of answering email. Today I was finally able to do some cleaning, and I filtered out hundreds of emails I could not possibly answer. I still have them, I filtered them into folders. But if you sent me an email I did not answer, my sincere apologies. Please send again and I'll do my best to answer.


Lee Harris said...

I haven't emailed -- I was busy digging my own bout of mania -- hypo or otherwise... the sex is great and I am getting really good at Hearts.

Jon said...

LOL - the hearts thing I've done before, but when manic I get so frustrated when my points start racking up. And they always rack up because I play recklessly when manic...

Good to hear from you, Lee.