Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Checking In

Thanks to those who sent emails recently. I'm OK, just haven’t been able to post or respond to comments, mainly due to stresses at work and home. Something about stress bottles up my motivation and creativity.

By necessity most of my time and efforts lately have been going to BipolarConnect. When you only have so much time, creativity, and energy, the deadlines there take priority. I have had a couple more posts published on HealthCentral’s BipolarConnect site. You can see them here and here. The last link will accept comments, if you get a chance jump on over and leave a comment. That helps me, and my boss at HealthCentral, a lot.

I hope everyone is doing well, and I’ll post back when I have enough motivation to move after work. In the meantime, if anyone is in crisis out there, somebody drop me an email and tell me who, so I can at least tell them I'm thinking of them.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to read you're doing okay. Stress tangles our insides into knots, so it's understandable it would do the same to our minds.

Jon said...

Thanks for the comment, Jane, and you're right. Stress does tie my brain in knots.

Unknown said...

I find stress sends me in all directions at once. But, there have also been times of paralysis. I understand saving the energy for what you can do!

Hope things steadily improve.

Jon said...

Smythe - thanks!