Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Blogger In Crisis

Hey All - I have come across a blogger that really seems to be struggling right now. I hope she doesn't mind this, but I think she'd appreciate a show of support from other bloggers that have been through her situation. Maybe it's that she reminds me of my son and his struggles that is tugging at my heart. But if you all could find a few minutes to visit her blog and give her a shout it might make a difference. She doesn't seem to allow comments for her posts, but there is a contact e-mail address there.

Her blog is I Am Gen.


Kiley said...

Very interesting, thanks for passing on the link.

Anonymous said...

I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the shoutout. i finally got to check my email today and was so happy about the support i've received from you and your readers. today has been a very good day and you all contributed to that. :)

Jon said...

Hope it all goes well for you, Gen.